I put my most recent article into NotebookLM and had it do an “Audio Overview” podcast-type audio recording. It was very interesting. It created new examples of my concepts, drew comparisons that I did not think of, AND went out of order of my article sections (which I was not expecting). It stopped short of talking about my “Three Laws of Human-AI Machine Collaboration,” but that is okay! It is still 6 minutes of AI “Agents” talking about why they exist, and what that says about human psychology.
Artificial Agency: the Notebook LM Version
Two AI Hosts' Perspectives On My Article... Which Is Sort Of About Them
Sep 16, 2024

Bringing the Human to "Human-Machine Interactions."
Exploring the benefits of collaborating with AI tools in higher education, libraries, and the workplace. heplerconsulting.com
Bringing the Human to "Human-Machine Interactions."
Exploring the benefits of collaborating with AI tools in higher education, libraries, and the workplace. heplerconsulting.com
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